2024 Yearly Totals
Player Stats 1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
  W L T W% pts
+ -
Jason  Raney 40 9 49 82% 680 405
Craig  Mattison 36 10 46 78% 624 399
Peter  Tourigny 25 14 39 64% 509 415
Luis  Sandoval 21 13 34 62% 416 352
Ugis  Kanders 39 30 69 57% 862 772
Kyle  Bergstresser 50 47 97 52% 1162 1078
Joel  Manning 90 95 185 49% 2105 2227
Kevin  Cleary 87 132 219 40% 2308 2740
John  Stalder 85 145 230 37% 2431 2892
Players below minimum threshold of 27 Games
Woo, Joe 3 0 3 100% 45 24
Kurt, Mert 1 0 1 100% 15 5
Thomson, Kyle 13 4 17 76% 241 131
Stock, Tyler 3 1 4 75% 62 50
Chow, Justin 5 2 7 71% 99 82
Walmer, Jason 12 6 18 67% 240 205
Jones, Joaquin 10 5 15 67% 193 162
Wistrick, Mike 2 1 3 67% 43 30
Heinz, Roger 2 1 3 67% 43 31
Duarte , Benicio 2 1 3 67% 41 34
Stewart, Jake 2 1 3 67% 40 25
Lynch, Timothy 2 1 3 67% 32 31
Steen, Cameron 2 1 3 67% 32 31
Gregan, Kevin 13 8 21 62% 277 244
Tomicic, Nico 10 8 18 56% 229 194
Baudisch, Bastian 1 1 2 50% 19 17
Meidav, Arbel 9 10 19 47% 221 225
Beukema, Kevin 2 4 6 33% 66 79
Jones, Chris 2 4 6 33% 64 68
Norley, Jim 1 2 3 33% 35 41
Essert, Shawn 1 2 3 33% 32 39
Aikens, Ryan 1 2 3 33% 31 43
Amylon, Alex 1 2 3 33% 24 36
Lockwood, Keith 1 6 7 14% 42 99
Player Stats Monthly:: October 2024
Who's Hot this Month (min of 6 games to win the month)
Win % W L
Sandoval, Luis 100% 3 0
Thomson, Kyle 100% 3 0
Mattison, Craig 100% 3 0
Tourigny, Peter 67% 4 2
Kanders, Ugis 67% 2 1
Cleary, Kevin 56% 10 8
Tomicic, Nico 44% 4 5
Stalder, John 39% 7 11


Monthly Winners 2024
  W % W L Month
Raney, Jason 92% 12 1 January
Raney, Jason 83% 10 2 February
Kanders, Ugis 67% 4 2 March
Raney, Jason 67% 4 2 March
Manning, Joel 75% 9 3 April
Raney, Jason 83% 5 1 May
Jones, Joaquin 78% 7 2 June
Mattison, Craig 100% 6 0 July
Sandoval, Luis 67% 6 3 August
Bergstresser, Kyle 67% 6 3 August
Mattison, Craig 100% 9 0 September
Row Sham Stats
Row Sham Stats 2024
Win Loss Win %
Mattison, Craig 20 13 61%
Sandoval, Luis 9 7 56%
Bergstresser, Kyle 27 24 53%
Cleary, Kevin 74 72 51%
Raney, Jason 13 13 50%
Meidav, Arbel 5 5 50%
Manning, Joel 36 37 49%
Kanders, Ugis 18 22 45%
Stalder, John 48 60 44%
Thomson, Kyle 7 9 44%
Tourigny, Peter 4 7 36%
Below Min of 9
Aikens, Ryan 2 0 100%
Beukema, Kevin 2 0 100%
Gregan, Kevin 2 0 100%
Lockwood, Keith 2 0 100%
Amylon, Alex 1 0 100%
Duarte , Benicio 1 0 100%
Jones, Chris 1 0 100%
Stock, Tyler 1 0 100%
Jones, Joaquin 2 1 67%
Woo, Joe 1 1 50%
Tomicic, Nico 2 4 33%
Chow, Justin 1 2 33%
Steen, Cameron 1 2 33%
Walmer, Jason 1 2 33%
MVP Stats
  W % W L Year
Mattison, Craig 75% 66 22 2023
Thomson, Kyle 70% 70 30 2022
Thomson, Kyle 80% 86 21 2021
Chown, Chris 75% 27 9 2020
Thomson, Kyle 77% 43 13 2019
Chown, Chris 87% 40 6 2018
Gregan, Kevin 79% 41 11 2017
Raney, Jason 71% 69 28 2016
Gregan, Kevin 86% 43 7 2015
Gregan, Kevin 72% 41 16 2014
Gregan, Kevin 69% 42 19 2013
Tourigny, Peter 69% 106 48 2012